
Being Happy Takes Practice
Being happy is a state of mind. It takes practice. Just like a sport takes practice. I know that if I don’t practice my sport, I’ll never be good at it. I know that when I don’t practice for a while, I get rusty. The same is true for happiness. Do you take time out of your day to think about or do things that make you happy? Do you practice being happy daily? Life takes its cues from your mood. When you think a thought, that thought triggers an emotion, and that emotion is what you're emanating/vibing (your energy). That energy literally folds subspace around you and magnetizes more of the same type of energy to you. You're always free...

The #1 Mindset Shift for Self-Empowerment
The #1 mindset Shift for self-empowerment is to stop focusing on things that are not going well, and ONLY focus on what's going well, and on what’s desired. But we’ve been far conditioned into pinpointing what’s not going well, rather than focusing on all the wonderful things in the world. In school, we’re told to get better at the subject(s) we aren’t really good at rather than focusing on the ones we excel in. At work, we’re evaluated based on bettering our weaker skills. In everyday life, we mostly complain about what people are doing “wrong”. We get together and bitch about our jobs, the weather, the economy, our ailments… In religious and spiritual circles, we’re taught there is something...

You Hold All The Power, Now
Watch the original video on your preferred social media: Facebook - YouTube - Insta - LinkedIn - Tik Tok - [TRANSCRIPT] "You hold the power to decide whether you want to feel good or not feel good, right now You have the power you decide, right now what you want to focus on. You have the power now, to decide whether you want to take your power back from a traumatic situation that you've lived in the past. You have the power now, to decide whether you want to be influenced by all of the wonderful things that have happened to you or whether you want to be influenced by your traumas and your difficult moments. You have the power now. You decide...

Stop Effing Yourselves Over
Stop effing yourselves over with terms like toxic positivity, spiritual bypassing or karma’s a bitch. First of all, what do these terms even mean to you? According to who's standards are these terms being evaluated, categorized or implemented? How and who determines when someone or another is spiritually bypassing? How and who determines when someone is being toxically positive? -which is technically an oxymoron by the way. Stop effing yourselves over! Nothing has any inherent pre-built-in meaning. It's all up to you. You ultimately assign meaning to everything! The Law of Attraction magnetizes to your core state of being, whether or not you want these thoughts or experiences ! ! ! YOU’RE FREE TO DECIDE into the thoughts and feeling...
I thought I Was Doing Life Wrong
I had all the things and yet I was still unhappy. I felt ungrateful. I felt frustrated. There seemed to be these lingering/obscure things that I had to conform to, but I didn’t know what they were, what was wanted from me or what exactly I was supposed to do. I thought I was supposed to: Heal my childhood traumas Redeem myself for past-life wrongdoings Let go of (not have any) desires because they cause suffering Sacrifice / dim / hide my good-fortune Be grateful and settle for less than what I truly wanted, otherwise, I would be greedy Fear unconscious beliefs Work hard and get better at things I'm not inherently good at ... But the ONLY fundamental issue...

I Can’t Make You Happy Or…
skinnier or successful or healed or … Someone asked me a few days ago how I measured my results. In other words, this person wanted to know what the return on his investment would be if he took my course. The thing is, I’m not selling you a means to an end. Because well, the real thing is, there is no end and the most important thing is that there is NOTHING wrong with you that you need to fix before you can be happy! My point is that I’m not telling you that if: you meditate every day at 4:44 am; or that if you walk barefoot in the grass during your monthly cycle; or that if you do...